Wednesday, May 18, 2011

From Fu*k Tea to Throwing Grandma off a Cliff: Meet “moralist” Progressive with an Agenda, Erica Payne



I just saw a nauseating interview with Neal Cavuto and an oh-so civilized Prog-Dem operative, Erica Payne, currently “Editor-in-Chief” of the Agenda Project. She was there, with her sugary sweet voice and ladylike demeanor, to defend her Mediscare ad, which throws granny off a cliff (cause that’s what the eeevil Paul Ryan and the Republicans want to do to the elderly, dontcha know). They  call the ad “America the Beautiful”.  Did I mention she repeatedly informed us that she created the ad in the interest of “morality”?":


With pretty boy Paul Ryan's draconian and savage cuts to Medicare in his budget proposal, we have to ask ourselves: Is America still beautiful without Medicare?

Description at YouTube: With pretty boy Paul Ryan's draconian and savage cuts to Medicare in his budget proposal, we have to ask ourselves: Is America still beautiful without Medicare?

Pretty Boy? Oh how clever! Presumably we’re meant to think of notorious gangster Pretty Boy Floyd.  Or John Edwards? But I digress.  Neal repeatedly asked her if this was the best way to begin a debate on the state of Medicare  (set to run out of money in 2024).  She kept bringing up her 96 year old grandmother to give her the requisite moral authority to speak on this issue, but never came close to answering his question. She just continued to speak in treacly tones to  Cavuto, whom she repeatedly called “Neal” like they were dear friends.  (I hope to find a video to post later….)

But there’s more! Erica Payne, who for all appearances could be a Southern Belle president of the Junior League, serving tea and cucumber sandwiches to debutantes and elegant matrons, is also responsible for a charming initiative called “fu*k Tea” (H/T Liberty Chick of Big Government who has lots more stuff on Erica at the link):


This is “progress” we’re told, “continuous improvement”. I know you’re all anxious to purchase this fabulous prog merchandise so here’s the link for ya at f*ck tea dot com. And I’m sure you don’t want to miss the ad she prepared for this “moral” project so I’ve posted that for you too. There’s a really sweet song that goes with this video. Are you ready to sing these lyrics?: F*ck You, F*ck You Very, Very Much, Cause We Hate What You do and we hate you, so F*ck you.



F*ck You, F*ck You very, very much, cause we hate what you do and we hate you, so F*ck you.


You’ll have to watch the video to get the catchy melody. I’ll be sure to put it to memory so I can belt this out the next time someone calls me a “hater”.  Although, I have to say that Erica Payne is not nearly as clever as Cee-Lo Green.  Not by a longshot.

UDATE: Here’s the Cavuto interview with sweet little Erica.

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